General FAQ

What is the Venturesome Journal

The Venturesome Journal is an A5 sized journal designed to give you mental clarity and help you achieve your goals.

It is made from 200 custom ivory coloured pages, including those with prompts to help you with your life's journey.

How do I use the journal?

Each journal comes with prompts how to effectively use the journal. You can get more clarity on each specific prompt in the "How to use the Venturesome Journal" section below.

For further questions ask our team via the Contact page.

Do you ship to me?

Yes. We ship worldwide from Australia.

How to use the Venturesome Journal:

Goal Planning

This is a space for your 90 day and 1 year professional and personal goals.

To start with your 1 year goals think of your ideal outcome 1 year from now. Make it something that excites you and you really want to achieve. Be specific. If it's a salary, write down the number, if it's a job promotion - write down what it is.

Do it for both personal and professional goals.

For the 90 day goal, pick a goal that you'd have to reach to be on track to reach your 1 year goal.

Do the process for both personal and professional goals.

Be clear and specific with your goals. You got this!

Daily Process

Here you pick 2-3 daily actions to help you reach the personal and professional 90 day goals.

For example: for a 90 day professional goal of making 100 sales in your business, a daily action may be to do 50 sales calls.

Another example: for a 90 day personal goal of benching 100kg, a daily action may be to follow your exercise routine. Another may be to sleep at least 7 hours each night.

Pick actions that will help you achieve your goals easier, and make sure you do them daily.

Reflection questions

Prompts to help you clarify your goals and life direction


Think of a day in the future when you've achieved your most important yearly goal.

Write down the scene. How does it feel to have made this huge accomplishment? Is it excitement? Is it joy?

Who else is with you? Where are you? What time of day is it? Be specific.

Visualisation will help you get crystal clear on what success looks and feels like. Remember it's your life, so be as creative as you want.

"The 180 Upshift"

A unique method to maintain great habits and avoid vices.

Most people use some sort of a distraction when they feel inner discomfort. When things get tough, they may distract themselves by binging movies, or eating junk food. Or watching porn.

Now, write down what you will do instead of your usual vice when you feel that anxious discomfort.

An example is instead of going to the fridge to grab a beer, you can drop down and do 10 burpees. Or 10 pushups. And if you still feel like eating or drinking junk, you do 10 more.

This one takes a bit of practice but it is worth it.

Your family, your friends, your future self is counting on you. Get it done.

Habit tracker

It allows you to track 3 daily habits per page for a month.

Tick when you've completed the habit, and cross if you missed it for the day.

Try not to have 2 crosses in a row. Habits require consistency and positive momentum.

You can also write a quick one line summary of each day in the space between each date and the habit column.

All other pages

The pages are printed in a dot grid pattern so you can easily write, sketch or draw your thoughts.

Write as much or as little as you like. It's your journal after all.

We look forward to starting your Venturesome journey with you!